'Not a very good impression': John Barrowman claims he was escorted OUT of a Washington restaurant with his pal just minutes after entering One star out of four.ĭon’t miss out on ET Prime stories! Get your daily dose of business updates on WhatsApp.Pregnant Kourtney Kardashian, 44, proudly shows off her growing baby bump in a skimpy green bikini for a pool day. "Transformers: Rise of the Beasts," a Paramount Pictures release which arrives in theaters Friday, is rated PG-13 for "intense sequences of sci-fi action and violence, and language." Running time: 127 minutes. ChatGPT clearly could have a written a better movie. We Earthlings turn out to have been housing an awful lot of secret sentient robots and this latest clutch arise from the shadows like cicadas at a time when A.I. They are worth saving," says Optimus Primal. They've even become sort of fans of us humans: "There is more to them that meets the eye. They've been hiding out on Earth, too, and a lot longer than the Autobots. There's Optimus Primal, a 13-foot-tall metallic silverback gorilla voiced by Ron Perlman Cheetor, a cheetah the size of a small truck voiced by Tongayi Chirisa Airazor, a peregrine falcon who shoots fire, voiced by Michelle Yeoh and Rhinox, a battering ram on legs, voiced by David Sobolov. Much too late come the titular stars of the show - the beasts. It's not clear even what their relationship is - more siblings? Would-be-lovers?

Just like the robots, their scenes are overly heightened and overacted, like an intense bubble of distilled humanity between giant robot fights. Real-life friends Ramos and Fishback have talked about their chemistry, but none of it made it onto the screen. Soon she'll be roaming ancient tombs in Peru like Indiana Jones. Looking for the portal key, he meets Elena, played by Dominique Fishback, a museum intern with an astonishing ability to recognize everything from a fake Leonardo da Vinci painting to an Nubian sculpture even though she's never been outside New York. On his first heist, he accidentally gets into Mirage and, after an excellent high-speed chase, meets the rest of the Autobots. On the puny human side, Anthony Ramos plays an ex-military electronics expert from Brooklyn named Noah, who has a sick younger brother - Dean Scott Vazquez, the best actor of the bunch - and is tempted to criminality to get him proper care. Then there are the Terrorcons, led by Scourge (Peter Dinklage), who controls swarms of horrifying insect robots and says things like: "Rip the flesh from their bones." The Autobots are represented by Optimus Prime (voiced by veteran Peter Cullen), Bumblebee and Arcee (voiced by Liza Koshy). But even here they get stuff wrong, like using Biggie's "Hypnotize," which came out in 1996, and having a character sing "Waterfalls" by TLC a year before it came out.
Simpson, plus a soundtrack including A Tribe Called Quest and LL Cool J.

Setting the movie in 1994 gives the filmmakers some vintage fun, like adding beepers and references to O.J. The beasts - especially a nostril-flaring gorilla - are gorgeously realized and the baddies look cool as they control elements in space and time, like building sky walkways as they move on them. The special effects are astounding but sometimes numbing at the same time.